Samsungin yllätys pilattu: Tässä on Galaxy S6 Edge


Samsungin yllätys pilattu: Tässä on Galaxy S6 Edge
Samsungin lehdistötilaisuus alkaa vasta kello 19.30, mutta Phone Arena -sivusto on jo paljastanut tilaisuudessa esiteltävän Galaxy S6 Edgen tekniset tiedot.

Päivitys. Artikkeli poistettiin sen julkaisun jälkeen. Alta löytyy sitaatteja artikkelista.

Sivuston hands-on-artikkelissa käydään käytännössä läpi kaikki tietämisen arvoinen puhelimen raudasta. Suorittimena käytetään 14 nanometrin tekniikalla valmistettua Exynos-piiriä ja LPDDR4-tyyppistä keskusmuistia löytyy kolmen gigatavun edestä. 5,1 tuuman kaarevan näytön resoluutio on 2560x1440 pikseliä. Edgeä myydään 32, 64 ja 128 gigatavun tallennusmuistilla, muistikorttipaikkaa puhelimessa ei ole.

Kaarevanäyttöisessä Edgessä käytetään viime vuoden Galaxy-lippulaivojen tavoin 16 megapikselin kennoa, mutta kameran optiikka on aiempaa valoisampi (aukkoluku: f/1,9). Haastavissa valaistusolosuhteissa kuvaamista helpottaa myös kamerasta löytyvä optinen kuvanvakain. Etupuolelle on isketty viiden megapikselin kamera.

Phone Arenan artikkelissa käytettyjä Galaxy S6 Edge -kuvia löytyy täältä.


From then on, Samsung has sprinkled a subtle premium quality to its smartphones in the form of a metal trim bezel. We've seen it in the high-end category with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, as well as in the mid-rangers like the Samsung Galaxy A5 and A3. However, there's an evolutionary design leap with the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge! Gone is the plastic chassis of previous flagships, replaced instead by a body that's constructed from finer materials that give the phone a premium quality. To be exact, the Galaxy S6 edge pays meticulous attention to everything – evident by its aluminum trim bezel and Gorilla Glass 4 front and back surfaces.

Nope, Samsung isn't settling on sitting still. Many folks argue that 1080p resolution is more than sufficient for today's smartphone, but Samsung pushes forward by gracing the Galaxy edge with a defying 5.1-inch quad-HD 1440 x 2560 Super AMOLED display. Talk about impressive details! This one undoubtedly proves that point because it's one of the most detailed around with its pixel density count of 576 ppi. Sticking with the same display technology that the company has popularized, its Super AMOLED screen continues to be vibrant – though, if it's following after recent things like the Note 4, we can expect its color temperature and reproduction to be top-notch.

Suoritin ja muisti

As it currently stands, when the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge launches as an international model, it'll be powered under the hood by a brand new 14nm 64-bit based Samsung Exynos octacore chip – coupled with 3GB of LPDDR4 RAM. The result, based on our quick experience checking out the phone, is a far more responsive TouchWiz-running device than ever before. For example, Samsung was especially insistent on how fast the camera can quickly launch thanks in part to this new hardware. To tell you the truth, we find it more fluid than previous Galaxy devices, but it's really tough to say if the consistent performance will be retained the more apps and usage the phone receives in the long term.

In coming up with the new design, Samsung had to make some compromises. One of them is found in the reality that there's no longer expandable storage with the smartphone via microSD card slot. At the bare minimum, prospective owners will have their choice on storage options, which include 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB capacities.


There's no denying it, Samsung's high-end smartphones are remarkably equipped for taking photos and videos – so you won't be disappointed by what new camera gear in the Galaxy S6 edge is capable of producing. Slapped onto the back is a 16-megapixel camera, which features an f/1.9 lens, optical image stabilization, and an IR Detect White Balance to neutralize shots for a more neutral exposure. Around the front, selfie-snapping purists will be delighted to know that there's a wide-angle 5-megapixel camera.

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Jatkoksi vielä ylihintainen yms. tervetuloa samsung applen huonoinepuolinesi markkinoille :)



Ensin samsung tekee ihan mainoksia missä vittuilee muiden valmistajien puhelimille että miten heillä on vaihdettavaa akkua ja muistikorttipaikkaa jne ja tekee sitten itse perässä..


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